A tribute from Beth Broomby

Created by Suzanne_lentini 2 years ago

I met Kim properly during our A-levels - quite a formative experience for a number of reasons that require a chapter of their own, an appendix and possibly six sessions of therapy. 

She wore her obvious brilliance with a lightness that made it easy to forget you were sitting next to the cleverest girl in school. 

When life’s troubles hit - as they tend to do - I got to know her better. Always caring, always listening and asking questions, she brought a rare combination of compassion and levity to every obstacle.

Her chat about chakras and ghosts, about cheese scones and poets, about grief and car boot sales was one of the great joys of recent years. She gave so much of herself and that’s a comfort because all that giving she did is still here.
Kim’s generosity left a golden spark in all of us that were lucky enough to call her a friend. 

Beth B

